Political news has been dominating the headlines since the start of the election cycle last year, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to be letting up any time soon. After a strong end to 2016, we have started off 2017 equally as strong. This has led people to ask me what I think about […]
Tag Archives | Investing
My Personal Experience at Career Day: Making Investing Fun for Your Children
I was recently asked to speak to my son Clay’s 8th grade class for Career Day. I was excited to get the chance to educate the kids and motivate them to save and invest, but I realized when I arrived that I had my work cut out for me, as I was following a real-life […]
WARNING: Bond Mutual Funds in Your 401(k), 403(b), and Non-Retirement Investment Accounts!
If you’re like most people, you probably have a part of your retirement savings (and other assets) allocated in bond mutual funds. And if you’re like most people, you probably put together an allocation and forgot about it – the “set it and forget it” strategy. Investors like to diversify into bonds to reduce the […]
Four Tips to Handle Stock Market Volatility
In the wake of the recession in 2008 and the recent economic turmoil in Europe, market volatility is probably a term you’ve become quite familiar with. After the relative calm of the early 2000s, the sometimes violent daily market movements we’ve seen recently have repeatedly stressed and worried even the most experienced investors. In this […]
NY Daily News Video: Interview with Bradford Pine
. Yesterday, 8/8/11, the NY Daily News asked if I would be willing to discuss these uncertain times in the market. I was asked to share my opinions and outlook regarding: . S&P Downgrade of US Debt Europe’s Economic Conditions What Investment Actions am I taking with My Clients? Is Gold a Worthy Investment? US […]
Introducing Your Kids to Investing: Lessons that Last Children a Lifetime
Teaching your children about money and investing is one of the best ways to help them prepare for a solid financial future. Parents don’t always know how to communicate with their kids about investing, so it can be difficult to find the best way to educate them. In this article I’ll share a few pointers about introducing […]
The U.S. Debt Limit – Questions and Answers
The U.S. Debt Limit: Questions and Answers… Because discussions in Washington are evolving day by day, this article focuses on the background and importance of the debt ceiling rather than attempting to discuss the ramifications of your portfolio. As August 2 approaches, you’ll likely hear increasingly urgent debate over the nation’s debt ceiling. That’s the […]
Using Alternative Investments to Minimize Left Tail Risk / Black Swan Event
In June of this year I had the pleasure of attending an investment conference, where such illustrious speakers as former President George W. Bush, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and Bill Bellichick, Head Coach of the New England Patriots, shared their worldviews. Financial professionals from across the industry also shared their views and ideas, […]
Powerful Steps for Any Investor: From IRA Rollovers to Financial Planning
Congratulations! By reading this article you’re taking an important step in your financial life, one that your future self will probably thank you for in twenty years. In helping clients, I’ve found that there are many unique issues that people face every day, but there are also a lot of situations that apply to most […]
Making Sense of Your Spending is a Key Part to Financial Peace
Think of how much you earn, whether it be from a salary, IRA distributions, or another source. Have a number? Great. Now, think of how much you spend. It’s a lot harder, isn’t it? Most people can easily tell you their earnings but draw a blank on their total expenditures. This can be problematic when […]