Market Volatility and Your Emotions When dealing with a volatile market, sometimes the most difficult challenge is to manage your emotions. If you decide you need to re-examine your game plan, it should be done with… (Read More) .

Market Volatility and Your Emotions When dealing with a volatile market, sometimes the most difficult challenge is to manage your emotions. If you decide you need to re-examine your game plan, it should be done with… (Read More) .
We are all aware of the volatility in the markets. From July 22 to August 11, 2011, the S&P 500 was down as much as 18% intraday and closed down almost 13%, in that time period. The market news has focused on U.S. government debt and the unfolding financial crisis in Europe. In such newsworthy times, it’s […]
. Yesterday, 8/8/11, the NY Daily News asked if I would be willing to discuss these uncertain times in the market. I was asked to share my opinions and outlook regarding: . S&P Downgrade of US Debt Europe’s Economic Conditions What Investment Actions am I taking with My Clients? Is Gold a Worthy Investment? US […]
The Budget Control Act of 2011: Agreement Reached Over Stalemate on the Nation’s Debt Ceiling After a last-minute agreement finally brought the stalemate over the nation’s debt ceiling to a close, President Obama signed the Budget Control Act of 2011 into law on August 2, 2011, enabling the U.S. Treasury to avoid defaulting on existing […]
Teaching your children about money and investing is one of the best ways to help them prepare for a solid financial future. Parents don’t always know how to communicate with their kids about investing, so it can be difficult to find the best way to educate them. In this article I’ll share a few pointers about introducing […]