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Tag Archives | nest egg


Using Alternative Investments to Minimize Left Tail Risk / Black Swan Event

In June of this year I had the pleasure of attending an investment conference, where such illustrious speakers as former President George W. Bush, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and Bill Bellichick, Head Coach of the New England Patriots, shared their worldviews. Financial professionals from across the industry also shared their views and ideas, […]

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Covered Call Options: Simply Understood

Have you accumulated a significant position in a single company’s stock, either through your employer or a major investment? Have you been considering ways to diversify your holdings away from one of your big winners? Are you seeking to retire soon and looking to reallocate large equity positions in your retirement or other brokerage accounts? […]

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Health Insurance Reform

Summarization of the Health Insurance Reforms Scheduled to Take Effect in 2011

Summarization of the Health Insurance Reforms Scheduled to Take Effect in 2011 The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), signed into law in 2010, makes significant changes to our health care delivery system. Some of these reforms took effect in 2010 while many others take place in 2011. The following is a brief description […]

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Roulette Wheel

Managing Your Downside Risk is a Must!

As an investor, you probably hear a lot about risk. Phrases like “risk tolerance” and “risk profile” are part of the usual investment discourse, but when it comes right down to it, you may not be aware of how powerful it is to actively pay attention to the risk parameters of your portfolio. Of course, […]

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Retirement Lane

Are You Ready to Retire?

Ask anyone if they’re ready for retirement, particularly after a difficult day, and you will likely hear an immediate “Yes!” But when it comes time to seriously consider the issue, the question of readiness becomes much more difficult. How much should I draw from my IRA or 401(k)? At what age should I retire? There […]

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